Tag Archives: Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Escape to the Movies!

When it’s cold outside and all you want to do is snuggle, cuddle and eat warm, comforting food, the hardest thing to do is drag yourself out of bed, go to work and be cold. Especially on a Monday.

Why do we always say the weekend isn’t long enough? Is it that we just don’t get enough done? Or is it that there’s not enough time to relax and wind down before the week starts all over again. I’ve said it before, but I will say it again, no matter what happens, the weekend will never been long enough, just like the working week will always be too long. Either way, I still feel like I didn’t achieve much this weekend. A shopping trip to Karrinyup saw large sums of money spent, granted, on clothes that were needed, followed by an evening in with Tapas and The Hobbit on Blu-Ray.

Highlight of that evening was deciding to let the Destructor Twins inside and finding out that Twin #1, or Sophie as she’s most commonly known, likes to watch animals and animal-like creatures. She was right up there, nose on screen, barking and huffing. I just love it when dogs do things like this. People say that dogs can’t see these sorts of things, if this is so, then what exactly are they doing when they follow an animal around the TV screen? I am sad to say my little terror, Brewski, does no such thing, the best he’s done with animals on TV is going to ‘look’ for the ducks when they quacked through the speakers, and barking at a monkey noise, but not even facing the right way!

Yesterday saw Significant and myself adventuring to the movies. Star Trek Into Darkness is a film he’s been waiting for since the last one four years ago. He has been determined that nothing spoil this film for him, this meant no trailers (seriously), no reading articles about the film and certainly not reading any of the reviews going around in the last week. I went in with trepidation, I was concerned the character chemistry may have cooled after the first film, let’s face it, there was a rather large time gap between them being released. I was also worried that Significant would have put the film on such a high pedestal that he would be disappointed at the end. Luckily we were both fine. The film has a great story and a great balance between comedy, action and drama, I actually found myself a little tearful at one point, not normal in a film of this genre.

I’m not big on reviews, so that’s about it on the film. All you really need to know is, it’s good, go see it!

So we are about halfway through our film year. Significant has a list of the films he wants to see, and their release dates, so that we can plan ahead! So far this year we’ve had the Hobbit, Iron Man and Star Trek.

Coming up we still have:
Despicable Me 2 – that’s almost ALL me! Every adult has a child in them, if you don’t let it out you’re going to go mad!

Man of Steel – After a brief discussion with Significant the other day, I have a feel I will actually be dragged to this one. He hoped that the appearance of Henry Cavill might just sway me, but honestly, Superman doesn’t interest me. What me be forced to eat my words in a few months, once I have been dragged and then come out babbling it’s praises.

The Lone Ranger – can’t go past Johnny Depp!

possibly RED 2 – I hear RED 3 is already in pre-production!

The World’s End – cannot miss out on the next Pegg/Frost installment, again, it feels like it’s been way too long. Finally got to see a trailer the other day, quite excited!

The Wolverine – Another one? Really! I’m looking forward to the new XMen, but Wolverine is done, only reason to go see this one is the possible perve of Hugh.

Thor – Not something I’d normally go see, but the Avengers and all!

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – This one is eagerly awaited. Keen to see what they’ve done to the book.

OMG! And the next installment of the HOBBIT! I really enjoyed the first one, time for the second … I hear there’s a Benedict in it!!  Eeeek!

A busy six months movie wise! Excitement, can’t you tell?

Tonight is the epic last episode of Doctor Who! I cannot believe it, I am devastated, another six months before it starts all over again.

Time to get back into Game of Thrones, series two and three lined up for back to back watching!

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